
What’s unnecessary in our diets? Let’s start right here!

Loved this article- simply stated, white flour and sugar are unnecessary in our diets! Try reducing your intake to make quitting easier! No rush.. its your body and your mind that need to be on the same page. Are there substitutes, sure! Try coconut sugar , raw honey or maple syrup to sweeten just about anything. Head over to the whole wheat isle-check those ingredient lists they may surprise you. Try a sprouted bread- yummers, super chewy! Ill find additional substitutes and post when available! Visit again!



8 Surprising Benefits of Squalene

Squalene is a natural substance found most commonly in olive oil. It is praised for its anti-cancer and skin-protecting effects. However, squalene may also be beneficial in Parkinson’s disease, lower cholesterol levels, and act as an antioxidant. Learn more about it in this post.

Health Benefits of Squalene